Hey friends in this video I will show you how to make a Arduino Electronic Dice with WS2812B RGB LED Strip and ATtiny 85 Microcontroller.
We will be using 7 - bit WS2812B RGB Addressable LED Strip for this project.
To control the Dice Roll we are using Touch Sensor.
I would prefer use of ATtiny85 Microcontroller in this project to make it more Compact and look good.
Credits to HAZI TECH - Hasitha Jayasundara for writing this Code.
Order PCB:- https://jlcpcb.com/IYB
Discount Coupon Code:- JLCPCBcom
PCB Gerber File:-
Arduino NANO
WS2812B RGB LED Strip 7-bit
Touch Sensor
Bread Board
PCB Components:-
ATtiny85 Microcontroller
WS2812B RGB LED Strip 7-bit
Touch Sensor
Crystal Oscillator 16mhz
Resistor 330ohm
Zero PCB Board
Arduino NANO

LED Connection
