Hey friends in this tutorial I will show you how to make Home Automation System which can be controlled with Smartphone as well as Manual Buttons. In this project we will be storing data in the EEPROM Memory of Arduino so when there is any power cutoff and when the power is back again it will continue the last saved state.
I would recommend to buy a PCB for this project as it is very compact, with clean and neat connections. and the PCB we have used in this project is universal PCB and It can be used in other projects as well it has Bluetooth + IR + Manual Switches connectivity.
Order PCB:- https://jlcpcb.com/IYB
Discount Coupon Code:- JLCPCBcom
PCB Gerber File:-
Arduino NANO
5V Relay Module 4CH
HC-05 Bluetooth Module
Push Buttons
PCB Components:-
HI Link 220v AC to 5v DC Converter
PBT Terminal Connector 3 Pin
PBT Terminal Connector 2 Pin
Female Header pin
330 ohms Resistor
220 ohms Resistor
BC547 Transistor
IN4007 Diode
DC Socket
IR Receiver
Push Button
5v Relay
apk & aia file for Application:-
Import .aia file in MIT APP INVENTOR to edit the app