Hey friends in this video I will show you how to make Smartphone Control Robo Car with L293D Motor Driver Custom Shield.
I have designed my own L293D Robo Shield for Arduino UNO which has multiple Sensors Connectivity Ports.
This PCB Shield can be used in other ROBOT Projects as well.
Order PCB:- https://jlcpcb.com/IYB
Discount Coupon Code:- JLCPCBcom
PCB Gerber File:-
Arduino UNO: https://www.flyrobo.in/arduino_uno_r3_with_cable_for_arduino_uno?tracking=5c723900abvrl
L293D Motor Driver Module: https://www.flyrobo.in/l293d_motor_drive_module?tracking=5c723900abvrl
HC-05 Bluetooth Module: https://www.flyrobo.in/hc_5_bluetooth_wireless_uart_module?tracking=5c723900abvrl
BO TT Gear Motor: https://www.flyrobo.in/100rpm-dc-3-12v-duel-shaft-bo-gear-motor-for-arduino-smart-car?tracking=5c723900abvrl
BO TT Wheels: https://www.flyrobo.in/smart_robot_car_tyres_wheels_for_arduino_bo_gear_motor?tracking=5c723900abvrl
18650 Battery:
18650 Battery Holder: https://www.flyrobo.in/18650-lithium-battery-charger-flashlight-charger-double-slot?tracking=5c723900abvrl

PCB Schematic

MIT App Inventor:-
I have created Android Application to Control this Robo Car in MIT APP Inventor https://appinventor.mit.edu/
Download Android APK file and If you want to edit the application in MIT APP Inventor you can Import my .aia file: